eliminar pulgas

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

gato com pulgas

Fleas can become a serious problem in your home, especially when left untreated. Whether it’s a first-time infestation or a major one, it’s crucial to act quickly to protect your home and family. In this guide, we’ll explain how to get rid of fleas in your home, and recommend effective kits for different levels of infestation.

Identify the Level of Infestation:

Before starting treatment, it is essential to determine the level of infestation.

1. Normal Infestation:

     2. High Infestation:

    Step by Step Guide to Eliminating Fleas Inside the Home:

    1. Area Preparation:

          Vacuum the entire house, especially carpets, sofas, mattresses and areas where pets roam.

          Wash bedding, blankets and animal beds at high temperatures to eliminate eggs and larvae.

    2. Using the Normal Infestation Kit:

    If the infestation is light or early, follow the instructions below for using the Indoor Flea Removal Kit .


    1) Place the Diptron in the infested room up to 30m2.

    2) Then, dilute 1.5L of water with 50ml of Draker Insecticide and spray the entire area.

    3) Repeat with Draker insecticide after 7 days. Use the trap to identify the locations and degree of infestation.

    The KIT corresponds to the treatment of 1 room. In case of infestation in other rooms, the same treatment should be repeated. 

    3. Using the Heavy Infestation Kit:

    If the infestation is more severe, use the Indoor Flea Removal Kit (Heavy Infestation).

    Shock treatment:

    1) Apply concentrated Diptron Insecticide to the infested areas. Place 1/2 of the insecticide in 1.5L of water.

    2) Keep Diptron Fogger insecticide up to date by fumigation

    3) After 12 hours of safety period, air the room and vacuum

    4) Repeat the treatment after 7 days.

    You should use the trap to identify the locations and degree of infestation.  Install traps in strategic areas to identify persistent fleas and monitor progress.

    The KIT corresponds to the treatment of 1 room. In case of infestation in other rooms, the same treatment should be repeated.


    Why Choose Insect Shop Kits?

    Our Indoor Flea Removal Kit and Indoor Flea Removal Kit (Heavy Infestation) are designed for maximum effectiveness with clear instructions for different levels of infestation. They combine high-quality products to ensure you get rid of fleas quickly and lastingly.

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